Crack Filling is an important part of any asphalt maintenance project and should not be avoided. Crack Filling is done to prevent water, dirt and debris from entering cracks and weakening the pavement’s sub-base, which leads to further damage. Any and all cracks should be filled as soon as they are visible as water that enters the sub-base can damage the asphalt.
The first step in Crack Filling is to clean all cracks of dirt, debris and vegetation using a KM Crack Jet Pro. This machine uses 90psi of forced hot air with temps up to 2800 degrees ultimately drying ALL moisture in seconds. It also blows cracks clean while etching the walls of the cracks/surface to ensure proper bond between the asphalt and rubber. A Crafco oil jacketed melter which is heated to 400 degrees is then used to apply a NEYRA PLS or Thermoflex rubber into the cracks. Smaller cracks are sealed by using a direct fire GINGWAY MA10 gravity fed machine, which is pushed over the asphalt surface.